Friday 1 June 2012

Jack Vettriano - Style Icon

This post is not about Jack Vettriano himself, but his art work. The style of his paintings is very distinctive, but the style of the men he paints is what I want to examine here. Vettriano's men exude confidence and elegance. Many of them appear to be depicted in the setting of the early 20th Century, but that is no matter - a man with style lasts for ever.

Vettriano has been frequently criticised for his depiction of women,many of them in erotic posses and in various stages of undress. However, I have no intention of adding to this debate. I will say though that every woman I know is more likely to be attracted to a well dressed man than to a slob, and say what you like about Vettriano's depiction of women, his men are always effortlessly stylish.

Lesson one: Formal wear doesn't have to be formal.

Lesson two: Rolled-up sleeves give even the most formal look a certain nonchalance.

Lesson three: Hats give you a sense of balance?

Lesson four: Dress to your surroundings, and the weather. 

Lesson five: Live in your clothes, and be prepared to take risks.

Lesson six: Relax, chill out, and roll up your cuffs when you get in.

Lesson seven: Wear white in the blazing sun. It looks great and keeps you cool.

So what have we learned? Well, formal doesn't have to be buttoned up. Hats look great, and romantic men get the best girls. Vettriano's men emit all the signs of outward success, great clothes, nice cars, beautiful women, and above all confidence. Which is after all the key to success. So follow their example, be confident and live in what you wear. Make that your art form and who knows you might even get the girl and the car as well.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done. Vettriano's got a great easy style and sure knows how to use white paint.
    I like your advice for the well put together young man and personally can't wait to see the end to wool beanies and droopy drawers.
